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Polonia Institute Letter to His Excellency Ambassador of Poland



Dec. 22, 2016


The Honorable Piotr Wilczek
Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the United States
Your Excellency:

The Polonia Institute is an intellectual leader of the Polish community in the United States. Within our means we actively promote and protect the interests of Poland, the Polish people and Polonia in the United States and around the world.

Today Poland finds herself in great peril. We are monitoring the situation in Poland with great concern. In particular we are concerned with the recent actions of a violent and terrorist organization KOD that has been established in Poland recently. The leaders of KOD openly call for creating instability in the country through public disorder, street violence, provocations, and social turmoil. Moreover, they declare to use fire arms and concealed weapons. What makes these actions so dangerous is that many of those people are former communist secret police officers.

As concerned US citizens of Polish extraction we also know that KOD established strong presence in the United States, in particular in California, Chicago, Washington and other places. Since that organization is planning to employ violent protests here in the United States, as they recently did in Warsaw, we would like to support the Embassy and all diplomatic missions of the Republic of Poland in the United Sates in their decisive response to any such unlawful actions. The American Polonia associated with the Polonia Institute and other Polonia organizations throughout the United States stand ready and willing to assist the Polish diplomatic missions in contending with any irresponsible actions of the post-communist clique in the United States. We would like to express and emphasize our support for the legitimate Polish government of Prime Minister Beata Szydło, for President Andrzej Duda, and for the leadership of the Polish Parliament, at the time of a vicious and brutal assault on the democratically elected representation of the Polish people and on democratic institutions in Poland. We condemn such actions as irresponsible, hostile, illegal and contradictory to the Polish history and tradition.

We would like to assure you that we will appeal to the US Government to classify KOD as a terrorist organization and reject any visa application of the members of this dangerous arm of international terrorism.

We also appeal to all Polish American organizations in the United States to take precautionary measures and approach the US government with a request to protect our communities from any possible attacks by KOD members.



Jan Michał Małek                                                                 Leszek Pawlik
Board of Directors                                                               Chief Executive Officer


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Joanna December 28, 2016 at 10:52 am

I want to thank you for your support.
Dziękuję za tę inicjatywę.

Mark Madej December 27, 2016 at 11:04 am

My full support for Polonia Institute. KOD and opposition parties act like TARGOWICA.

bronek December 23, 2016 at 2:18 pm

Hats off to you, Jan. Your deserve credit.

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