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Los Angeles
February 18, 2025

PI Newsletter #159


1.  EU is not looking for common ground with Poland – it’s looking for war.

Brussels is not fighting a conflict with Poland out of care for the rule of law or how compatible the nomination process for Polish judges is with EU law. In reality, this struggle concerns something entirely different. EU institutions are trying to expand their competencies (through the European Court of Justice verdicts) outside of what has been entrusted to them by EU treaties. At the same time, they are competing with each other to see which institution is the most causative. This battle is taking place under the cover of a great narrative concerning universal values — a narrative that is entirely false and fake.

In addition to this, there is a kind of defensive reaction coming from the EU. European integration, further uniformization, even in its most awkward form, is a guarantee for the existence of EU institutions and their reproduction. Everywhere in Europe, political forces have appeared which reject this uniformization process.

These forces are a threat to the vested interests of the Brussels conglomerate. Their ambitions to decide about everything has reached such a level that MEPs recently debated over abortion laws in Texas. There are no limits to the EU’s competencies. They reach not only Europe but even the United States.

EU isn’t looking for common ground with Poland – it’s looking for war

2.  Poland has a point about the EU’s legal supremacy

When member countries had a chance to recognize EU law’s primacy, they didn’t.

Stefan Auer is associate professor of European studies at the University of Hong Kong. Nicole Scicluna is an assistant professor in government and international studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. 

When Poland’s top court ruled that its national constitution trumps European law, many were quick to denounce the move as an unprecedented provocation, one that put the country on the path to leaving the European Union.

The truth is far more complicated, and more worrying for the EU. Poland’s place in Europe is still quite secure. What is less assured, however, is the future of the EU as a quasi-federation.


3.  Why Central and Eastern Europe is far from enthusiastic about the prospect of an EU army

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen recently called on the EU to increase its military capabilities, including the possibility of creating a European army. The idea has met with little enthusiasm in Central and Eastern Europe.

Why CEE is far from enthusiastic about the prospect of an EU army

4.  Vatican census shows Catholicism growing everywhere but Europe

Vatican census shows Catholicism growing everywhere but Europe


5.  Russia is increasing its military presence in the Arctic

The Kremlin is not only remilitarizing the region but also trying to impose its supremacy through a policy of judicial, economic and military fait accompli, says Law and Justice (PiS) MEP and former Polish FM Anna Fotyga in commentary for the Polish Press Agency

Since the end of the Cold War, the Arctic has been an area of peace and international cooperation, yet the situation has changed in the last few years. An increased Russian military presence has cropped up in the region, while China aims to integrate the northern sea route in the Arctic with its “Belt and Road” initiative.

Russia is increasing its military presence in the Arctic

6.  Israeli firm’s drone killer proves a SMASH hit

The system, at its most basic, uses algorithms to track the target, and does not allow a shot to be fired until there is an optimal firing option laid out. The company claims novice shooters have an 80% chance of hitting their target with one shot.

[…]“What we promise here is that almost every bullet will be on target, by controlling the exact moment when the bullet is released so if you’re not on target, you won’t be able to fire,” Abraham Mazor the company’s business development VP, said.

Israeli firm’s drone killer proves a SMASH hit


7.  The Dark Origins of Communism  [Documentary – Video]

Synopsis: In the over 100 years since the beginning of the Bolshevik takeover of Russia and subsequent revolutions around the world, communism has killed by various estimates between 100 million and 150 million people. But what led to this destructive belief? How did its violent revolutions begin? And how is it that communism continues to find popularity?
In this special series from The Epoch Times, hosted by senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp, we explore the roots of the communist movement and its system of socialism, and go deeper into the beliefs and ideas that form the foundations of this destructive ideology.


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