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Los Angeles
February 17, 2025

PI Newsletter #51

  1. Robots Are Serving Spicy Soup at Haidilao’s Hotpot Restaurants

In Haidilao International Holding Ltd.’s hotpot restaurants, robots are replacing chefs and waiters.

Asia’s biggest listed restaurant chain by market value is partnering with Japan’s Panasonic Corp. to open what the two companies say is the world’s first eatery with a fully automated kitchen Oct. 28 in Beijing. At the new Haidilao restaurant, robots will take orders, prepare and deliver raw meat and fresh vegetables to customers to plop into soups prepared at their tables.


  1. Fear of a Black Continent

In 2004, the U.N. projected that Africa’s population would level off by 2100 to around two billion.  Today it projects that it will reach 4.5 billion instead.  This change in the expected trend is more likely a result of sluggish economic growth than proof of an African exception to Macron’s Law – though it hold open the possibility that Africa could be such an exception.  But whatever the explanation, by century’s end two in five human beings could be African.


This trend would have revived a certain kind of population-bomb anxiety no matter what, but the anxiety in Europe is a little more specific that that – because over the same   period Europe’s population is likely to drop by about one hundred million.  (Western Europe’s leaders are vanguard here: Neither Macron nor Angela Merkel nor Theresa May  have any biological children.) In the late 1990s Europe and Africa had about the same population: a hundred years later there could be seven Africans for every European.  And    the experience of recent refugee crises has demonstrated to European leaders both how easily populations can mover northward, and how much harder assimilation may be  then they once hoped.




  1. The Dutch pay billions for migrant welfare and will become a minority in their own country


In the scenario of unlimited migration the Netherlands could have a population of over 25 million by 2060, out of which only 12.1 million are Dutch. In only 40 years the Dutch would have become a minority in their country.

Even with restrictions on migration, the total population would be growing to 18-22 million by 2060. In the ‘unlimited migration’ scenario we see a mass influx of migrants coming from Sub-Saharan Africa.

According to Van de Beek the massive population growth in Africa will create Malthusian pressures, causing a huge flow of migrants wanting to migrate north to flee from poverty and famine.

In 2016 the Muslim population in the Netherlands was 7.1%. By 2050 this percentage is expected to grow to 9.1% (Under zero migration) up to 15.2% under high migration.

Muslims in the Netherlands have a fertility rate of 2.3, which is above the replacement rate – versus the native Dutch 1.66. Hence even with zero migration the percentage of Muslims in the country is expected to grow.

The table below shows the amount of people belonging to an ethnic group that are living on welfare, in percentage by 2014 data.

The ethnicity at the top are the Dutch. Going down the list we have; Dutch, Turkish, Moroccan, Somalian, Iraqi, Syrian, Afghan, Iranian, Eritrean, and lastly Polish. This shows us nearly 70% of Somalian migrants in the Netherlands are living on welfare.

This makes the argument that we need migrants to fill the jobs in our booming economy rather odd. Clearly the migrants are hardly working. One group is different – the Polish. The Polish actually rely less on welfare than the native Dutch, they really do come to work.


Our comment:

The issue discussed in the article is relevant not only to the Nederlands but to each European country. It should be openly discussed not only in the Netherlands, as is called for in the article, but all over Europe.  

  1. Europe’s Crisis of Survival.

In facing this existential challenge, a downward spiral in which Europeans seem to be slowly dying out by failing to reproduce, it seems that Europe has also lost all confidence in its hard-won Enlightenment values, such as personal freedoms, reason and science replacing superstition, and the separation of church and state. These are critical if Europe truly wishes to survive.

In facing this existential challenge, a downward spiral in which Europeans seem to be slowly dying out by failing to reproduce, it seems that Europe has also lost all confidence in its hard-won Enlightenment values, such as personal freedoms, reason and science replacing superstition, and the separation of church and state. These are critical if Europe truly wishes to survive.



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