13.2 C
Los Angeles
February 18, 2025

PI Newsletter #57

1. A quotation from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Lecture, sent to the Swedish Academy on accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970.

In recent times it has been fashionable to talk of the leveling of nations, of the disappearance of different races in the melting-pot of contemporary civilization. I do not agree with this opinion, but its discussion remains another question. Here it is merely fitting to say that the disappearance of nations would have impoverished us no less than if all men had become alike, with one personality and one face. Nations are the wealth of mankind, its collective personalities; the very least of them wears its own special colors and bears within itself a special facet of divine intention.

2.  Associated Press and the Nazis – Political reporting and propaganda

Lutz Hagen, a professor of communication science at the Dresden University of Technology observed in 1995 in his comparative study of news agencies present on the German media market (AP, AFP, dpa, and Reuters): “According to some German editors, the style of the AP’s German news service resembles the style of a tabloid newspaper.” In 2009 the German subsidiary of AP was sold to a German news agency ddp which disappeared from the market one year later. The German subsidiaries of AFP and Reuters, which are much less “sensationalist” than AP, are still in business. A selection of the AP’s world news is disseminated in Germany nowadays via dpa. John McManus, another media scientist, reported in his “Market Driven Journalism – Let the Citizen Beware”: “Market-driven news’ is often believed to replace public service news with trivial, cheap sensationalist news such as celebrity gossip. This happens, it is said, because the public prefers trivia and non-serious news and people shy away from buying serious content that takes an effort to understand – for example, grappling with how systems of proportional representation might work.”


3.  Study Confirms: Refugees aren’t economically beneficial. They are mostly unemployed and cost billions of euros.

The study forecasts the long-term consequences of immigration on Sweden’s public finances. Both in the short and long term, migrants will cost Sweden billions of euros, the study shows.


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