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President Duda signs law giving Polish school IDs to Polonia Children

They are members of our Polish community.

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“My legislative initiative was in response to requests and appeals by parents and teachers working at Polonia’s schools abroad” – said President Andrzej Duda during a ceremony at the Presidential Palace – “until now, students and teachers were treated as de facto foreigners when they came to Poland.”

President Andrzej Duda, on January 12, 2017, signed into law legislation that provides discounts for Polish children attending Polonia’s schools abroad. As a result, they will be able to use transportation services in Poland on the same basis as children living and studying in the homeland. It was the first legislative initiative enacted by President Andrzej Duda pertaining to Polish communities abroad.

The President emphasized that the new regulations are a very important gesture of appreciation towards young people who are learning the Polish language outside of Poland. He noted that it is also an expression of “the need to build community.” According to the President, the new law will give Polish children studying abroad the feeling that they are members of our Polish community.

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“They will have the same school ID cards with the same benefits afforded to children studying in Poland” – summarized President Andrzej Duda. The President also thanked all the officials who worked on the creation of the new regulations. The discounts for public transportation will also apply to teachers working at these schools.

The Presidential amendment for reduced fares on public transportation and some other laws was passed by the Parliament in December 2016. The law will come into effect three months after its publication and, therefore, the first ID cards will be provided to students before summer vacations.


 (fot. Andrzej Hrechorowicz / KPRP)

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