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Los Angeles
July 27, 2024

PI Newsletter #42

1.  Intermarium for the 21st Century

What does the legacy of intermarium, an idea never put into practice, mean for us today? Well, organizations like the Visegrad Group, which includes Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, have successfully held off the European Union and its suicidal immigration policies for three years. In these countries, politicians as diverse as Viktor Orban, Andrzej Duda, and Milos Zeman, have again and again reaffirmed the Christian character of their nation-states. In the face of a godless, technocratic Brussels, these are the European nations who have remained defiantly European.
Intermarium is not as impossible as these over-paid scribblers seem to believe. Poland and the rest of the Visegrad Group are already on the EU’s naughty list, and they are not the only ones. The election of populist leaders in Slovenia, Austria, and Italy have further weakened the EU and have helped to expose the venal machinations of Macron in France and Merkel in Germany. What if these nations formed a new alliance—a populist intermarium outside the purview of the European Union?


2. The Dream and the Nightmare of Globalization

[…..]what would become the globalized project was predicated on lots of flawed, but unquestioned assumptions.
Globalization became a holistic dogma, a religion based on the shared assumptions: man-made global warming required radical changes in the world economy. Racism, sexism and other pathologies were largely the exclusive wages of the West that required material and psychological reparations. Immigration from non-West to West was a global birthright. State socialism was preferable to free-market capitalism. Those whose jobs were outsourced and shipped abroad were themselves deemed culpable, given their naiveté in assuming that building a television set in Ohio or farming 100 acres in Tulare was as valuable as designing an app in Menlo Park or managing a hedge fund in Manhattan.

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3.Is Guilt Killing the West from Within?

A “sense of guilt” for colonialism is debasing the West from within, according to Professor Bruce Gilley, and authoritarian regimes such as Iran, Russia, China and Turkey are profiting from this weakness.

The Romans called it damnatio memoriae: the damnation of memory that resulted in destroying the portraits and even the names of the fallen emperors. The same process is now underway in the West about its colonial past. The cultural elite in the West now seem so haunted by feelings of imperialist guilt that they are no longer confident that our civilization is something to be proud of.

A sense of guilt now seems a kind of post-Christian substitute religion that seduces many Westerners. The French scholar Shmuel Trigano suggested that this ideology is turning the Westerners into “post-colonial subjects” who no longer believe in their own civilization, but instead what will destroy it: multiculturalism.

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4.  Europe Is Dying, New Book Warns And The Consequences Could Be Dire For The West

The Strange Death of Europe” is a polemical but perceptive book culled from Murray’s extended sojourns across Europe’s frontiers – from the Italian island of Lampedusa, a flyspeck in the Mediterranean closer to the shores of North Africa than it is to Sicily, and to Greek islands that sit within sight of the Turkish coastline. These places have borne the brunt of the recent exodus from the Middle East and North Africa, but the author has also ventured to the remote suburbs of Scandinavia and Germany and France where many of these ­migrants end up. The resulting portrait is not a happy one.

To put it briefly, Europe faces two existential challenges. I use the term “existential” advisedly, not in the sense that Europe will somehow cease to exist but that it’s identity and ideology is being gravely, and perhaps irretrievably, disfigured. The first of these “concatenations,” to use Murray’s arresting term, is the mass movement of peoples into Europe, ensuring that “what had been Europe – the home of the European peoples – gradually became a home for the entire world.”

In itself, this condition would not be so treacherous but for the second condition, Europe’s thorough loss of faith in its “beliefs, traditions and legitimacy.” Gone are the days when the leading powers of Europe committed themselves to the restoration of grandeur at home or a mission civilisatrice abroad. The distinguishing feature of modern Europe is its persistent ennui, shown in the inability or unwillingness “to reproduce itself, fight for itself or even take its own side in an argument.” What’s more, Europeans seem less stirred to face these unpleasant facts than they are fearful of interpreting them too precisely.

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