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Los Angeles
February 18, 2025

PI Newsletter #149


1.  Kaczynski announces deal of European conservative parties

Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Photo PAP/Paweł Supernak

Poland’s ruling party leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has announced the signing of a declaration by a number of European right-wing parties aimed at preserving “European values” and the “sovereignty of nations” in the EU.

“One can predict its (the conference’s – PAP) purpose is to strengthen the processes that according to us do not lead the development of the EU, but instead lead to a deep crisis that is ongoing and to phenomena that have nothing to do with the assumptions of the EU founders and the practice of its first years,” Kaczynski said


2. EKRE joins joint declaration by European national conservative parties

“The European Union is in need of profound reform because today, instead of protecting Europe and its heritage, instead of enabling the free development of European nations, it is itself becoming a source of problems, anxiety and uncertainty. Nations feel that they are slowly being stripped of their right to exercise their legitimate sovereign powers,” the statement reads.

“The EU is becoming more and more a tool of radical forces that would like to carry out a cultural, religious transformation and ultimately a nationless construction of Europe, aiming to create a European superstate, destruct or cancel European tradition, transform basic social institutions and moral principles.”

According to the declaration, all attempts to transform European institutions into bodies that take precedence over national constitutional institutions create chaos, undermine the sense of the treaties, question the fundamental role of member states’ constitutions, and the resulting disputes over competences are in effect settled by the brutal imposition of the will of politically stronger entities on weaker ones. “This destroys the basis for the functioning of the European community as a community of free nations,” the parties said.

“In a time when Europe is facing a serious demographic crisis with low birth rates and aging population, pro-family policymaking should be an answer instead of mass immigration,” they added.


3.  Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko Floods Iraqi Migrants Into European Union as Payback for Coup Attempt

Belarus’ President Alexander Lukashenko is flooding Iraqi refugees into the European Union as payback for the recent unsuccessful color revolution coup that was launched upon the country.

“Lithuania says a state of emergency could be declared if the situation gets worse. Meanwhile, we received information that Belarusian authorities have not only opened [the] Belarus-Lithuania border for illegal immigrants from Iraq, but are actively involved in trafficking. The scheme involves Tsentrkurort travel company (controlled by Lukashenko) and Iraqi Airways,” NEXTA editor-in-chief Tadeusz Giczan wrote on social media.

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko Floods Iraqi Migrants Into European Union as Payback for Coup Attempt

4.  The Heart of Europe vs. the New Colonialism

Today, Europe’s heroic heart—Poland, Hungary, and the Czech and Slovak republics—is again being attacked, this time by the forces of globalism, as the imperialists of the European Union seek to force these small but courageous countries to embrace the lunacy of cancel culture.

The Heart of Europe vs. the New Colonialism

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