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September 19, 2024
Current events Poland-Current Issues

Brzezinski: “Poland deserves the Nobel Peace Prize”

“I certainly think Poland deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for its continuing providing of aid to Ukraine and Ukrainians” US Ambassador to Poland Mark Brzezinski stressed in an

Interview with PAP. “We are moved by this selflessness and magnificence of the Poles who helped the refugees”, he added.

Brzezinski stressed in an interview with PAP on Tuesday that Poles showed a quick ability to mobilize in helping Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees.

“And I wanted to emphasize again that this gives hope for the broad renewal of the country, the awakening of such potential for Poland to flourish – all thanks to this rapid mobilization,” the ambassador said.

According to him, this is “a critical moment in the history of the Polish country.”

Asked whether Poland should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the help it showed to Ukraine and Ukrainians, he said:

“In Poland, we have seen a rapid mobilization of Poles to help refugees in the face of their mass exodus. Unfortunately, this will not be the last time we will see such an influx of refugees. But no one will be able to ignore what Poles have done, how much they have mobilized, how much they have helped, giving each of them a roof over their heads and a meal,” Brzezinski noted.

“I certainly think this deserves a Nobel Peace Prize,” the ambassador declared.

“Of course,” he added, “I am a bit biased because I am the US ambassador to Poland. But I can say on behalf of all Americans that we are tremendously touched by this selflessness and magnificence of the Poles who helped the refugees,” he said.

Brzezinski was also asked whether Poland is vulnerable to disinformation attacks from Russia.

“Poland is a target of Russian disinformation. We see examples of it all over the country, but Poles are intelligent; they have such a sixth sense because they have already been the target of propaganda and disinformation in the past, so they are sensitive to it,” Mark Brzezinski replied.

According to him, Poles know that actions have more impact than words. They know that Ukrainian refugees are not taking away jobs but helping stimulate the Polish economy. “For example, in the technology and other sectors of the economy,” Brzezinski said.

The ambassador pointed out that Poles and Americans are closer together than ever in the past.

“We are more united when it comes to military cooperation, cooperation in humanitarian efforts, our business cooperation, our values,” Brzezinski said.

For the Polish original, please see:  https://wgospodarce.pl/informacje/117527-brzezinski-polska-zasluguje-na-pokojowa-nagrode-nobla

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