Speaking during a town hall event televised by US networked ABC on Thursday, the Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden criticized Donald Trump’s foreign policy for siding with thugs and placed Poland alongside Belarus and totalitarian regimes.
Mr. Biden’s grouping of Poland alongside Belarus and Hungary may signal significant changes in the way Poland is viewed in Washington should Mr. Biden win the election. There have been rumors of irritation in the US State Department at the fact that Mr. Trump has given Poland so much prominence in US policies towards Europe. A Biden presidency is expected to return US foreign policy to being centered more on Western Europe.
Joe Biden has again distanced himself from a key U.S. and NATO ally, taking the side of the EU establishment in a long-running dispute between the globalist bloc and conservative Poland.
The 77-year-old former U.S. vice president tweeted on Monday: “Let me be clear: LGBTQ+ rights are human rights — and ‘LGBT-free zones’ have no place in the European Union or anywhere in the world”, quoting as he did so an ABC News report dealing with the ongoing disagreements between the European Union and Poland.
Poland has been under constant attack by the international media since municipalities representing around a third of the country’s geographic area declared themselves “free from LGBTI ideology” in response to pressure from sexual minority activists to promote homosexuality and gender ideology in schools.
This resistance to telling schoolchildren about things like transgenderism is typically mischaracterized as an effort to establish physical “LGBT-free zones” where LGBT people or their activities are criminalized.
Even though some municipalities in Poland have passed resolutions declaring their opposition to the promotion of LGBT ideology in schools, in Poland there are no “LGBT-free zones”, where LGBT people are not welcome, cannot enter, or where their activities are criminalized.
…..what people like Joe Biden find most repulsive about them is that they have the audacity to question whether policies made in Washington and Brussels are in the best interests of their peoples — and whether the progressive ideals championed by secular Western elites are actually nothing more than a form of cultural imperialism.
In the course of this [New York Times] interview, Biden offered the following observation:
Well, look what’s happened. Look what started to seep in, beginning and probably even with candidates during our administration. We stopped showing up at the Polish American Club. We stopped showing up, and we all went to you, the really smart people. We had a new kind of coalition we were putting together. College-educated women and college men and boom, boom, boom and so on.
Two conclusions seem inescapable: 1) Biden thinks that the Democratic Party walked away from Polish Americans, and 2) Biden does not number Polish Americans among “the really smart people.”
Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s adventures and misadventures with the truth verge from comic to vicious. Recently, he slanderously compared Poland and Hungary to Belarus and other “totalitarianism.” In a separate case, he flippantly contrasted “the ‘really smart’ people” with Americans of Polish, Greek, and African descent.
Thank you, ledifnia. Indeed, only Joe Biden can correct this. Although Tom Perez and the Democratic National Committee bear responsibility as well. This matter will have to be pressed and settled.
Mr. Black, even if Mr. Biden meant to criticize Democrats for abandoning their base supporters, which is the working class with the Poles and Greeks among them, the way he chose to characterize that group of people, which is as the not- smart ones was crass, tacky and offensive. It seems that that’s exactly what he meant to say about that group of people when juxtaposing them with those he considered the “smart” ones, the ones he was addressing , the ones he had in front of them. Mr. Biden has a track record of similarly crass and offensive statement, eg. about Black people and recently about our troops.
As you write, Joe Biden does not number Polish Americans among “the really smart people.” But “really smart” is a bitter sarcasm from Biden against those haughty people who dismiss the Poles, Greeks, and other hard-working Americans. He is saying that “you, the really smart people” are truly stupid for abandoning the traditional democratic base. Read again the quote from the Dec. 16 interview with the NYT editorial board:
“Look what started to seep in, beginning and probably even with candidates during our administration. We stopped showing up at the Polish American Club. We stopped showing up, and we all went to you, the really smart people. We had a new kind of coalition we were putting together. College-educated women and college men and boom, boom, boom and so on.”
That’s what began to “seep in,” the arrogant and misconceived, “boom, boom, boom and so on.” He is deploring that the Democratic party has abandoned its base. So Joe is off the hook for that one, and should not be misunderstood on that point.
However, what is grave and needs correction is his later Town Hall remark of Oct. 15: “You see what is happening from Belarus through Poland and Hungary and the rise of totalitarian regimes in the world. Our current president supports all thugs in the world.”
In response, several Polish American organizations combined to submit the following query on Oct. 26:
Mr. Tom Perez, Chair
Democratic National Committee
In his Town Hall appearance of October 15, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden seemed to include Poland as a nation having a “totalitarian regime.” We ask you: Is it true that Poland has a “totalitarian regime?”
We await your response.
Andrzej Prokopczuk, President of Polish American Congress, NCAL;
Wojciech Jesman, President of Polish American Congress, SCAL and President of Polish American Strategic Initiative;
Stanislaw Sliwowski, President of Coalition of Polish Americans;
Agata Marriott, President of Polonia Institute.
The matter may not be settled tonight, but it is to be settled. The National Office of the Polish American Congress also posted this letter regarding the point at issue:
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