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Morawiecki calls for secure borders

Morawiecki unveils his plan for secure borders

Poland’s alternative to the “Migration Pact”

Morawiecki calls for secure borders. “Every country has the right to be its own host, in its own country, and the same principle applies to our entire continent”, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, referring to the migration pact being pushed through by the EU. The Polish leader said he had a better solution, announcing a “plan for secure borders”. He said he would present it at the European Council summit that is about to begin.

“Europe is not a federation but a community of equal and sovereign states. Meanwhile, some of the strongest states in the European Union want to impose their will on others. We will not accept this. We have a better alternative, we have a plan for secure borders”, announced Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki ahead of his trip to the European Council summit in Brussels.

 The Polish leader explained that Poland’s proposal is based on five main pillars:

an increase in joint investments to guard the EU’s borders; a reform of Frontex “so that it can effectively fight against human smugglers”; a review of the European Commission’s budget to increase funding for countries bordering the European Union; a reduction in social benefits for non-EU nationals; and “an end to tolerating the cooperation of NGOs with human smugglers”.

“The European Union, with the help of Europol and Interpol, must simply take up an effective fight against gangs and traffickers,” he said.

He also recalled that the Polish government wants a referendum on the relocation of migrants, stating: “This is the fairest way for Poles to have their say on what they expect.”

“Let those who are most affected also have their say: women, children, people who are at risk of being attacked on Polish streets as a result of increased illegal migration,” he said. The Polish leader also encouraged other countries to give their citizens a voice on the issue.

“As Prime Minister, I will not agree to the violation of our rights and sovereignty. The so-called migration pact is not a pact at all, it is a demand for capitulation on the part of the member states and there is no consent to it on our part. Every country has the right to be its own host in its own country, and the same principle applies to our entire continent. Europe has a sacred right to be at home and it is high time that the whole of Europe realized this,” he stressed.


The attack on Europe continues. Europe’s borders are not secure! The security of the inhabitants of the Old Continent is at risk!

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an attack on the security of us all. Russia and Belarus are also attacking Poland and other countries of the European Union. They are using different methods, hybrid attacks, utilizing organized groups of illegal immigrants.

The Russian and Belarusian attacks are a reminder that borders between countries are not just conventional lines drawn on a map. Poland has shown that borders can be successfully defended against strong migratory pressures.

Borders mark the real difference between Europe as a continent of freedom and security and areas where chaos and anarchy or tyranny are not uncommon.

We do not want this chaos, this anarchy in Poland, we do not want it in Europe.

Europe is a civilisation that rejects war, terrorism, murder, rape and all kinds of violence. If someone does not accept this, there is no place for them in Europe.

Not everyone understands this. Not everyone understands the scale of the threat.  Some of Europe’s leaders are turning a blind eye to what is happening on the streets of their cities.

Poland makes it clear: opening borders, failing to protect them effectively, putting Europeans at risk, is a strategic mistake. A mistake that threatens the very survival of the European Union. Our people, our citizens, the Europeans, will pay for this mistake…

For centuries, Poland has defended Europe against various invasions.

Today, we are once again a frontline country – a country that understands the threat Europe faces. We have successfully defended Europe’s borders against illegal immigrants.

Today, once again, Poland’s voice must be the voice of reason in Europe.

That is why I will propose a definitive plan to the European Council.

I will propose a ‘Plan for secure borders’.

This plan is clear:

“No” to the forced relocation of immigrants.

“No” to sanctions imposed by Brussels officials.

“No” to violating the principle of unanimity in voting in the European Union.

“Yes” to the best-ever protection of Europe’s borders.

“Yes” to national sovereignty.

“Yes” to the security of our citizens.

Europe is not just a continent between the Atlantic and the Urals, it is above all a way of life.

Anyone can become a European, regardless of origin or skin color, as long as he or she respects European values, rejects violence, and respects our civilization.

Member States cannot be deprived of the possibility to protect their citizens!

Visitors from outside Europe have found a new home here for centuries because they have accepted the rules that have been in place for centuries. Unfortunately, some politicians in Brussels today want to build a post-national continent that is not rooted in tradition.

This concept – eagerly supported by left-wing and liberal circles and their ideologues on the one hand, and by hostile forces in many regions of the world on the other – is inherently anti-European.

The blood of the people of Europe is already being shed today because of the lack of responsible policies.

Worse still, giving the green light to uncontrolled immigration has nothing to do with protecting human rights. On the contrary. It puts hundreds of thousands of people at the mercy of smugglers and criminal gangs.

Every sign that the European Union will accept a certain number of immigrants encourages the smugglers to send more transports. And expose these people to death and suffering. If we invite 30,000, 300,000 will come. If we invite one million, 30 million will come. It is an endless spiral.

Opening Europe’s borders means opening the black market, where smugglers, bandits and traffickers get rich.

It also means an increased risk of terrorism in Europe.

These are real threats, as described in the latest Frontex report.

The more uncontrolled immigration, the more terrorist attacks!


Poland has received more than 3 million refugees from war-torn Ukraine. About one and a half million of them are still in our country. Not a single war refugee has been abandoned by us. We opened our homes! Nobody forced us to! Because Poles are a great nation!

There should be no first and second-class countries in the EU. Nor should there be first and second-class people.

Supporting a refugee from Ukraine with a few dozen euros of support, while demanding 20,000 euros for an unaccepted immigrant from the Middle East or Africa, is blatant discrimination – not to use a more serious term.

Many EU countries are and will increasingly have to deal with the notorious legacy of colonialism.

The Poles will not repent for the sins of colonialism of the former empires. It was not the Polish government that contributed to the destabilization in the Middle East and Africa. It was not the Poles who enriched themselves by plundering the resources of the colonies.


Europe is its nations. It is a multiplicity of languages and cultures.

 Europe is not a federation or a centrally administered quasi-state, but a community of free, equal and sovereign states.

Meanwhile, the strongest states in the European Union want to impose their will on others. We will not accept this!

We have a better alternative.

We have a plan for secure borders!

First, we must invest together in the effective management of all the European Union’s external borders. This requires more money from the EU budget.

Second, Frontex should be reformed as an institution to combat human smuggling.

Third, the European Commission should restructure the budget to support the development of countries that are the source of mass migration. FIGHT THE CAUSES, NOT THE EFFECTS.

Fourth, reduce social benefits for people from outside the European Union.

Fifth,  stop tolerating the collaboration of NGOs with smugglers!

The European Union – with the help of Europol and Interpol – must launch an EFFECTIVE fight against human trafficking gangs.

In Poland, we are proposing a referendum on this. This is the fairest step. Let those most affected by the new waves of migrants have their say.

One of the reasons why Europe has become the best place to live is because it has not been afraid to listen to the voice of the people. We will give people a voice and encourage other countries to do the same.

In a few hours, I will present this plan to the European Council, a plan for secure borders. On behalf of millions of Polish citizens whose interests are represented by the Law and Justice (PiS) government, we will veto the mechanism of forced relocation, which is being introduced by top-down decree, in defiance of the Treaties, under threat of financial penalties.

The Law and Justice government will certainly not agree to dangerous experiments and blackmail regarding the reception of illegal immigrants.

As Prime Minister, I will not accept the violation of our rights and sovereignty.



For the original in Polish, please see: https://niezalezna.pl/489673-alternatywa-polski-na-pakt-migracyjny-morawiecki-przedstawil-plan-bezpiecznych-granic-calosc-przemowienia


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