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Los Angeles
July 26, 2024

PI Newsletter #126


1. Wokeism is not cool. Chinese people know too well

Communist Party cadres hang a placard on the neck of a Chinese man. The words on the placard states the man's name and accuse him of being a member of the "black class." (Public Domain)


How has the United States gone this far?

My understanding is that there are two reasons: one short-term, one long-term.

The short-term reason is the demonization of conservatives by mainstream media. Actually, this is a standard practice by communist and Nazi governments. Before persecuting a specific group, the propaganda machine would be revved up to its full capacity to demonize the group so people would feel indifferent when the group is brutalized, and their family members would feel the urge to cut ties with them to protect themselves. The persecuted group can be landowners, capitalists, intellectuals, religious followers, Jewish people, or anybody.

The long-term reason is the destruction of family bonds and ethics since the 1960s. Actually, the 1960s was a watershed moment in modern history. It sustained an unprecedented counterculture movement sweeping from East to West. Rebellious young people in the West revered Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse, and Chairman Mao, vowing to shatter Judeo-Christian civilization and traditional culture, including family bonds and ethics, just like their Eastern counterparts. Although far apart, the West and the East experienced similar havoc at similar times, originating from the same source: communism.


Our editorial comment:

Even though the author’s warning of communism raising its ugly head today is amplified by his showing the drastic events during the Chinese Communist Revolution and the troubling events in the United States in the 60s and ever since, the problem is currently increasingly relevant and universal. Modern China is governed by an evil Communist regime that successfully deceives a significant part of the world by hiding their practices and goals. Also, it’s not only the U.S. but all of the Western World experiencing the ascend of communism. Those of us who experienced communism in the countries behind the former iron curtain firsthand recognize the signs of the return of communism and are deeply alarmed by the threat it poses.

2. Religious Books Seized and Burned in Communist China.  Believers Given Jail Terms.

Falun Gong books are set on fire in Shouguang City, China's eastern Shandong Province, on Aug. 4, 1999. Chinese authorities in cities across China burned millions of Falun Gong books and materials after the communist regime launched a campaign to persecute the spiritual practice in July 1999. (STR/XINHUA/AFP via Getty Images)

In communist China, practicing a certain faith, printing, or even reading religious books could result in prison terms and abuse. Spiritual believers in China—be it Christians, Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims, or Falun Gong practitioners—are faced not only with brutal suppression or forced-labor terms but also have their religious books burned or trashed at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The coercive policies are aimed at forcing these religious followers to renounce their faith and follow the communist ideologies based on atheism and Marxism.

“It is the work of the devil. The situation is becoming increasingly dire; the government [the CCP] is increasing pressure step by step. In the end, they want to eliminate religious belief completely.”


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3. Corporations That Support the $15 Minimum Wage Can Afford It. Here is Who Can’t.

“The small business economy is very fragile right now,” National Federation of independent Business (NFIB) Vice President of Federal Government Relations Kevin Kuhlman told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “And anything that hampers that small business recovery should be avoided.”

Kuhlman said corporations are able to afford minimum wage increases because of their larger profit margins. Lobbying for minimum wage increases also puts corporations at a competitive advantage over their small business competitors who cannot afford the added costs.

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Our editorial comment:

The article warns against raising minimum wage in the U.S. However, the warning and the reasons for the warning should be heeded by governments in other countries experiencing serious economic downturns caused by COVID- related lockdowns.

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