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Los Angeles
July 26, 2024

PI Newsletter #114

1. GOP ‘Freedom Force’ Vows to Fight Socialism, Counter ‘The Squad’ in House

Several Republican Reps.-elect whose families fled socialist countries are forming a “freedom force” in Congress to fight socialism and counterer the liberal “Squad.”

“We need to form our own ‘squad.’ We have a group of new Republicans who love America. We value freedom, liberty, and opportunity,” Rep.-elect Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) told the New York Post.

In the House, a group of progressive women with a socialist agenda became known as the “Squad” including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.). They have supported the “Defund the Police” movement, “Medicare for All,” free college education, “The Green New Deal,” and other socialist policies.

Malliotakis, whose mother’s family fled Cuba, will be the only Republican in the New York City congressional delegation in the coming January.

She is joined by three newly-elected Republican Congress members including Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.), Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.), and Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.).

Spartz grew up in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and lived there for 42 years. She said she’s very sad to see what is happening in the United States.

“I saw what happens when it runs out of money and it is not pretty [in Soviet Ukraine],” she said during an interview with “Fox & Friends.” “And now we’re building socialism. I’m kind of going full circles. I can tell you what is going to be next. It’s very sad for me to see that.”

“This system creates a lot of destruction and misery so we have to be smarter than that. You know, we’re not going to change. There are only two systems: you have the freedom and free enterprise and you have a system where the government decides and political elites on top [decide] how we’re going to lead, what we’re going to do,” she added.

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2. White House Pulls out of Open Skies Treaty with Russia

The United States will pull out of the Open Skies Treaty—an arms control pact—with Russia, according to the Department of State on Sunday.

“On May 22, 2020, the United States exercised its right pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article XV of the Treaty on Open Skies by providing notice to the Treaty Depositaries and to all States Parties of its decision to withdraw from the Treaty, effective six months from the notification date,” State Department deputy spokesperson Cale Brown said in a statement.

“Six months having elapsed, the U.S. withdrawal took effect on November 22, 2020, and the United States is no longer a State Party to the Treaty on Open Skies,” Brown added.

The Open Skies Treaty is an agreement to allow nations to carry out reconnaissance flyovers to obtain military data and intelligence. For years, the United States has accused Russia of violating the terms of the agreement, not allowing its flights over Russian territory.

President Donald Trump earlier this year said he wanted to leave the agreement, which was signed following the end of the Cold War. It came as Trump and administration officials stated that they have been tougher on the Kremlin than previous administrations.

“While the United States, along with our Allies and partners that are States Parties to the treaty, have lived up to our commitments and obligations under the treaty, Russia has flagrantly and continuously violated the treaty in various ways for years,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in May. “This is not a story exclusive to just the treaty on Open Skies, unfortunately, for Russia has been a serial violator of many of its arms control obligations and commitments.”

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3. Trump’s Only Road to Victory

by Alan Dershowitz

– I just received an email asking me to sign a petition demanding the disbarment of President Trump’s lawyers for their advocacy. That is McCarthyism pure and simple. Lawyers are entitled to advocate all reasonable and ethically permissible strategies that serve the interest of their clients.

-Let us remember that as a matter of law and constitutionality, Joe Biden is not yet the president-elect. He has been coronated by the media, by politicians and by most Americans. But to officially become president-elect requires, at the very least, certification by enough states to give him the 270 required electors. That has not yet occurred.

-Biden is the presumed president-elect, the likely president, even the probable president, but he is not officially the president-elect for legal and constitutional purposes.






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