Political vendetta behind the arrest of the Anticorruption Chief, Minister and Member of the Polish Parliament, Mariusz Kamiński.
Prosecutor Bogusław Olewiński, who brought charges against the head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA), Mariusz Kamiński, was registered as a secret collaborator with the communist-era SB (communist oppression apparatus) under the code name “Marian.” The “Gazeta Polska” obtained the documents containing the registration of the secret collaborator with the codename “Marian,” his denunciations, and other information that shed light on the course of the secret activities of this willing helper of the communist repressive apparatus.
Bogusław Olewiński, who now works for the Rzeszów District Public Prosecutor’s Office, was a prominent activist of the Polish Socialist Youth Union (ZSMP), which was active in the Rzeszów branch of the Marie-Curie Słodowska University (UMCS) during the communist period. According to the files collected by the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), complicity in the creation of the apparatus of communist repression could take place not only in an official form but also in secret cooperation with the state security bodies. Information about the registration of Bogusław Olewiński by the SB in 1985-1990 as a secret source (TW) with the codename “Marian” was reported by the Fronda portal. Bogusław Olewiński claims today that he submitted to vetting (lustracja) three times, which were never questioned. In them, he declared that he had never knowingly cooperated with the security services. He denied any contact with the SB.
The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), as part of its ongoing verification of the statements made by judicial officials, also conducted a criminal investigation into his case, which was completed in August 2009.
Despite the fact that many traces of TW “Marian’s” cooperation with the secret services of the People’s Republic of Poland had been collected, the prosecutor’s office considered them insufficient for a judicial defense of the claim that Bogusław Olewiński’s verification/vetting statement was untrue.
Significant gaps in the SB materials related to the case make it difficult to prove cooperation with the security services.
Although the agent’s work folder and personal file have been destroyed, information about TW “Marian” has been preserved in many other places, such as SB registration cards and logs, object cases and files of other TWs. However, the IPN’s research led to the discovery of the denunciations of the agent with the pseudonym “Marian.” They were found in materials related to other personal sources of information and SB operational cases.
The second life of “Marian”
TW “Marian” was registered on April 30, 1985, by Second Lieutenant Janusz Tarnawski of the SB Department III in Rzeszów, which deals with youth organizations, education, and academic pastoral work. At that time, the recruit was studying at the Faculty of Law of the Rzeszów branch of the UMCS. A personal card of TW “Marian” states that he was recruited on the basis of shared responsibility for public order and security. A number of other documents, including the register of the Provincial Internal Affairs Office in Rzeszów, confirm the recruitment.
In 1988, the officer in charge submitted a report in which he requested that the TW “Marian” be re-registered in the “B” Department and that he continue to be used for operational purposes. The document was accepted by Major Stanislaw Wysokiński.
In February 1990 the case was closed. TW “Marian” was deregistered and the file was destroyed. The justification is the standard formula that the materials had negligible operational value. Bogusław Olewiński also appears in the extensive files of the operational case “Youth,” which was carried out by Department III of the SB in Rzeszów to collect information on organizations such as the Scouting Organization (ZHP), the SZSP, and the ZMW “Wici”.
In a 1988 report, the head of Department III, Lieutenant Colonel Tadeusz Mazurek, presented to the head of Department III in Warsaw credible information that he had received information from two secret collaborators, one of whom was “Marian.” The denunciation concerned voices of dissatisfaction in the academic community over documents adopted by the Second Plenum of the Supreme Council of the Union of Polish Students (ZSP). The flashpoints, according to the denunciation, were the Union’s positions on student labor practices, as well as its harsh assessment of the student environment. The District Council considered the bad reception of the activities of the ZSP activists to be the result of a misunderstanding. It decided to carry out a propaganda campaign by distributing leaflets and awareness-raising broadcasts over academic radio.
The reports of the two secret collaborators also indicate that the ZSP leadership was inspired to abandon the radio program given the prevailing tension in the academic community.
A TW with the number under which “Marian” was registered appears in the list of participants of the event, who are personal sources of information for the SB. Lieutenant-Colonel Zbigniew Kluczyński, who was in charge of the case, noted that he had spent 650 zlotys during a meeting with the TW before the trip.
“Marian” in the “Lodge”
In February 1986, SB inspector Janusz Tarnawski asked the head of Department III of the WUSW in Rzeszow to introduce a secret collaborator to the SB contact premises code-named the “Lodge.” Access to such a place for a recruited person required sufficient justification that it would not jeopardize the de-conspiration of the premises. Tarnawski stated that he had already had 11 meetings with “Marian.” During these meetings, the TW demonstrated his loyalty to the SB and his truthfulness. Tarnawski added that the TW had also been trained in the rules of the conspiracy and the use of the contact rooms. The argument was successful and a positive decision was issued. In May 1988, the head of Section III, Captain Janusz Klader, confirmed that officer Tarnawski had received TW “Marian” there, after examining the materials at the premises of the “Lodge.”
After finishing his studies, Bogusław Olewiński worked as a trainee and an expert at the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Dębica. He has been a prosecutor since 1994.
In an interview with the Niezależna.pl portal, Bogusław Olewiński stated that he had never known a person by the name of Janusz Tarnawski. He also denied that he had ever entered the SB contact premises.
When asked how it came about that a prosecutor who deals with economic crimes on a daily basis started to formulate accusations against the head of the CBA, Olewinski said that it is not him, but his superior – the district prosecutor or his deputy – who decides which case one is assigned to.
The prosecutor was surprised when the Niezalezna.pl portal asked him if he was still in contact with former activists of the ZSMP and the ZSP, such as the chairman of the ZSMP, Adam Kruk. “I meet with them, but rarely. The last time I met Mr. Kruk was at an air show,” he said.
Maciej Marosz
Source: PAP
The original text in Polish: https://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kto-uderzyl-w-kaminskiego-6108654739760257a