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September 20, 2024
Current events Poland-Current Issues

Polonia Institute’s Statement on Brexit

The Polonia Institute, an educational and policy research institution formed in 2015, aims to further interests and wellbeing of Polish Americans.  Our motto has been “Poland should be strong, prosperous, independent, and play its proper role as a great nation in the heart of Europe,” the declaration proclaimed by President Herbert Walker Bush. This declaration calls for Poland to be a sovereign, independent state, capable of assuring and enhancing the prosperity of her citizens. Unfortunately, in recent months Poland’s freedom has been violated numerous times by foreign institutions insisting on subverting Polish legal system to the European system, and subjugating the Polish Constitution as a lesser act to the European legislation shaped by unelected foreign autocrats.

In the historic moment when Great Britain, one of the ancient great nations of Europe, is leaving the European Union, the Polonia Institute calls upon the Polish people, Polish government, and the United State of America as the first ally of Poland, to stand firmly in defense of Polish sovereignty against attacks by unelected European bureaucracy. We shall be guided and inspired by wisdom of the farewell speech presented on behalf of Great Britain by Mr. Nigel Farage in the European Parliament. He reminded us that the European project began 47 years ago as a common market, not a political union. On January 31, 2020 Great Britain left this project never to return because the British people do not approve of the attempts by the elites of the European Union to destroy nation states of Europe. In 2005 the EU Constitution was rejected by citizens of France and Holland in referendums. The European bureaucrats ignored the will of the people and brought back its provisions in a Lisbon Treaty, implemented without referenda.

In his historic farewell speech, Mr. Nigel Farage asked a fundamental question: “What do we want from Europe? If we want trade, friendship, cooperation, reciprocity then we don’t need European Commission and European Court, and all the institutions and power.” He stated that his party loves Europe but hates the European Union because it is not just undemocratic, it is anti-democratic, it gives people power without accountability. Upon finishing his speech Mr. Farage and the British delegation waved small British flags as a goodbye gesture. He was then cut off from the microphone for violating UE rules and rebuked by the Chairwoman for displaying the national flag, while the Brexit MEPs gave him thunderous cheers. The Chairwoman repeatedly requested to remove the national flags while members of the EU Parliament exhibited hostility towards the British delegation at this last important stage.

This symbolic moment should be a lesson to all nations of Europe, but especially to Poland, which fought so heroically for 123 years from 1795 to 1918 to regain its independence, and then again for 50 years from 1939 to 1989 to achieve independence from foreign domination and control. No nation treasures liberty and sovereignty more than Poland and her people who have been struggling so hard to attain it.

Therefore, we urge the Polish People, Polish Government, Polish President and Polish Parliament to respond firmly and without delay to reassure Poland’s right to sovereignty and self-rule. We urge the United Sates to support Poland in her yet another struggle “to be strong, prosperous, independent, and play its proper role as a great nation in the heart of Europe.”  The Polish people in Poland and around the world deserve and demand no less, and stand united in defense of Poland in these times of yet another adversity.

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