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Jan Parys: One has to be aware how brutal Berlin’s policy is

What is behind what Germany is doing?

The war in Ukraine has shown us something important: it was not prevented by any of the many international organizations: neither the UN nor the European Union. Let’s also look at Ukraine. Why are people fighting there? Well, because they feel themselves to be Ukrainians, they feel themselves to be members of their nation. In short: those who claimed that the state and the nation are relics of the past are losing. Before our very eyes, said Jan Parys, Ph.D., Minister of National Defense in the government of Jan Olszewski, at the meeting organized by President Lech Kaczyński Institute.

The meeting addressed the question: The West in the Face of the War in Ukraine – Solidarity or Egoism?

Dr. Jan Parys stressed that there is no single “West”:

– There are different approaches to the war in Ukraine in Europe; formally everyone condemns the war, but they act differently. Is it the result of some mistake, or maybe the result of corruption? Or is it some political blindness, stupidity, naivety? But how can one not understand what all the TV programs show, where one can see who attacked whom? In my opinion, these different attitudes result from certain political concepts.

What is this concept, popular in Germany, France, Holland, and Italy?

– It consists of using other countries to develop their own country at the cost of other, weaker countries.

Describing German policy, Dr. Parys emphasized that Angela Merkel decided to develop the German economy’s competitiveness through cheap Russian energy, which was beneficial, especially for the German chemical industry. In the background there were hopes for political benefits, including distancing oneself from the United States – precisely thanks to Russia:

– In Germany, there is a belief that they lost the war. Later, they were occupied, in large part, by American troops. The Americans imposed a constitution on them. They controlled the Nuremberg trial and the denazification process. Later, yes, the Americans helped the Germans by introducing the Marshall Plan. So, the Germans owe a lot to the Americans, but precisely because they owe so much, they hate them. This is a phenomenon known from psychology: not everyone knows how to thank the person to whom they owe a lot.

According to Dr. Parys, the United States began to be treated by Europe as a “sucker” in the 1990s. They bore the costs of defending Europe. Germany and other countries decided to save, and instead of spending on armies, they spent on innovation and economic development. The first politician to recognize this situation was Donald Trump. He was the one who said that Germany – by buying raw materials – was financing Russian armaments, expecting the United States to provide security. Donald Trump publicly shouted at Mrs. Merkel: ‘You owe me 400 billion dollars,’ recalled the speaker, adding that the Germans reacted with fury to this calculation of American defense spending on Germany and Europe.

– The policy of weak support for Ukraine, the policy of perpetual attack on the Republic of Poland in the EU, is nothing more than the result of the extreme pro-Russian attitude of German diplomacy. I can tell you from my own experience that the German attack on Poland began two weeks after the 2015 elections. At that time, Germany was shocked because the Poles had chosen differently than Berlin had wished. We quickly got the message through diplomatic channels: on the orders of the Chancellor, there was a meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance in Berlin, where they discussed how to take away all the European funds from the Poles because they voted not as the Germans wanted. After a few days, there was another meeting, and it turned out that the law did not allow for this. Then the matter [of Poland] was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is responsible for the media. From that moment on, an immediate media attack began in the entire German press on everything the Polish government did, including the rule of law. There were no reforms yet, and already there was an attack. This attack, however, brought nothing, so in the summer, during a strategic meeting in Berlin, a decision was made: the Poles would be dealt with financially, we will take away their National Recovery Plan [Polish acronym: KPO], and this was carried out with tough-minded consistency.”

One must realize how brutal German policy is, emphasized Dr. Parys.

Answering the question of whether Poland should not expel the Russian ambassador to Poland, who constantly provokes Polish public opinion, Dr. Parys replied:

An ambassador is there to defend his country’s policy, which does not mean he believes in it. An ambassador is not obliged to tell the truth. This is not what the diplomatic service is for.”

In February, the weekly “Sieci” interviewed the Russian ambassador. It was a few days before the aggression. Various people held a grudge against the Karnowski brothers, asking: “why did you do this, why do you let him speak, why do you allow for exposing his views?”

– In my opinion, this was a very important interview, because in it, in a very deceitful, insolent way, he revealed what they think, how they think, what they are going to do, what kind of justification they are going to present, and in short, I think it was important to a lot of people because it was exposing Russia. It wasn’t promoting Russia, and it was exposing Russia, said Dr. Paris.

The entire meeting with Dr. Jan Parys can be watched on YouTube. We recommend it!

The YouTube meeting with Jan Parys, Ph.D., can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/KFWe6n6i2AA

The Polish original of this article can be found here: https://wpolityce.pl/swiat/600770-trzeba-miec-swiadomosc-jak-brutalna-jest-polityka-berlina

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