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President Donald Trump won Polish Hearts Today!

American day in Warsaw, Poland – July 6, 2017

Chis M. Zawitkowski, PoloniaInstitute.net, Chairman of the Board of Directors, National Security Policy

In a passionate speech President Trump appealed to Poles to keep their spirit high, for the sake of Europe, for the sake of the World.

Entire Warsaw (2 million population) and thousands of visitors watched and listened to the President speech on the Krasinski Square and all over city on big screens set up on streets, and in restaurants.

The cry of “Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Interrupted him a number of times.

The crowds waving Polish and US flags and chanting the first names of the exceptionally popular Minister of Defense, Antoni Macierewicz, PiS Party leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, and Prime Minister Beata Szydlo, were warming up before our President and the First Lady appeared together with Polish President Andrzej Duda and his charming wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda.

Donald Trump quickly captured Polish hearts by telling them “America loves Poles; America loves Poland”. In his well-structured 30 minutes’ speech he emphatically characterized Polish spirituality, emphasizing their love for freedom, country, and God. He remembered the incredible sacrifices this nation made during 19th century atrocities, right after 121 years of having their beloved country wiped out from the map of Europe. He remembered how this fragile young democracy alone had to defend Europe against the herds of Bolsheviks invading Poland in 1920 in the Miracle of Vistula battle. Shortly, after 19 years, he said, Nazi Germany and Soviet Union together attacked Poland again. In 1989 again, like in 1683 against Muslims, Poland led to the defeat of communism in Soviet controlled countries. Trump recalled the visit of Pope John Paul II, the Polish Pontiff crying on the Victory Square “Let your spirit come and renew the face of this soil” while the million strong crowd responded with the song “We Want God”. Not money, or privileges. They wanted God. Donald Trump said the apparatchiks must have understood this was the end of their power.

Our President emphasized the Polish efforts during WWII. He reminded his listeners of the loss of over 20% of the population, which included 3 million Jewishi citizens of Poland. He recalled how during the Warsaw Uprising the Polish Underground Home Army defended the barricades across Jerusalem Avenue in Warsaw. This stylish avenue led to the part of Warsaw called New Jerusalem. The Home Army maintained the crossings at a very costly expense. Many lives were lost for this purpose. Donald Trump said it was possible due to the high spirit and strong will to defend the links of communication between the northern and southern part of the city. Our President reminded that Soviets were waiting on the other side of the Vistula River watching how the German Army destroyed building after building, killing 200 thousand people as well. Now Poles say: If you want to find the portraits of your ancestors, go to Germany! Trump mentioned the Jerusalem Avenue several times, as a symbol of Polish support for Jewish community in Poland. Indeed, being persecuted in other European countries, they found refuge in Poland. This is why the Jewish community in Poland was the highest in Europe.

President Trump asked Russian leaders to refrain from interfering into other nations’ affairs. He asked them to stop destabilizing other countries. If Russia wants to be considered in a normal way, the need to behave normally.

He condemned all kinds of terrorism.

Donald Trump expressed his very strong sustaining support for the Intermarium initiative of Poland and Croatia, the idea on mutual support and common way to economic growth of the countries between the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black Seas. He pledged American support for the idea. He promised sales of LNG to those 12 countries through Poland to avoid possibility of Russian Gazprom blackmail.

President Trump reassured Poland about American support per the 5th paragraph of the NATO alliance. He also confirmed that the Polish military will acquire the newest Patriot missile system. He praised Poland for fulfilling the commitment to NATO of 2% of GDP contribution. He praised Poland to be the most faithful ally of the United States.

Several times he recognized the similarities between Poland and the USA. He asked Poles to be the way they are, to cherish the values that our country was built upon, freedom, high spirit, family values, Christian values, and democracy, and the love of God, so dear to them as well. Let Poland be Poland – he said.

Finally, he prayed God bless Poland, God bless America!

All observers and listeners were very impressed with President Trump’s speech. It was addressed not only to Poles, but also to us, Americans. It was addressed to Europeans. It was addressed to all people of the World. He defended the fundamental Christian values of our “Western” civilization.

What a beautiful and meaningful speech! If someone, like Newsweek, didn’t grasp the essence and the depth of Trump’s delivery, it is either bad will, or unwillingness to comprehend his message.

Someone, like Tom Porter of Newsweek should also draw conclusions from the President’s emphasis of how noble the Polish nation is, and the contribution of Poles to our American commonwealth. Mr. Tom Porter of Newsweek, you should better find arguments for your rhetoric, instead of groundlessly calling someone names. Your comments about professor Chodakiewicz are either drawn from a crystal ball, or out of your ignorance/arrogance.

i Warsaw had the largest Jewish community in Europe before WWII. It was completely wiped out by the Germans in extermination camps Treblinka and Auschwitz.

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James Eads August 5, 2017 at 12:39 pm

Thank you Mr. Zawitkowski. Your article is spot on!

The hearts, minds, and will of the Polish people are strong. All eyes should remain focused on Poland and all should watch closely the actions taken by Russia against the Ukraine lest history repeats itself across Europe.

Poland remain strong! Bless you and the USA.

bronekc July 10, 2017 at 2:53 am

Excellent commentary. Thank you.

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