What of the traces of an explosion on the victims’ bodies from April 10/2010?
An important declaration came from Prosecutor Marek Pasionek in the discussion of the hypothesis that indicates an explosion on board TU-154. Pasionek acknowledges that all hypotheses are under consideration. Responding to the charge – that to date – chemical residue has not been found on the bodies from the Smolensk catastrophe, Pasionek recounted an MRI scan which demonstrated that only 1% (3 per nearly 300) of the victims of Malaysian Boeing, shot down over Ukraine, contained traces of explosives. He indicated that a rocket exploded outside of the aircraft. He added that the rest of the bodies bore injuries consistent with air disaster casualties. According to Pasionek this proved that it was imperative to examine all bodies of the Smolensk catastrophe.
“We have compared the probe of the Malaysian catastrophe to our investigation. We are taking all forensic versions under equal consideration” – asserted Marek Pasionek. The prosecutor was also asked about cooperation with foreign laboratories that were supposed to examine samples for the existence of explosives. Pasionek stated that: “The first part of forensic evidence had been given to a lab in Kent. Following labs are in the starting stages. I think in the near future additional material will be passed on to them.”

Two Catastrophes – two Investigations
“Black boxes swiftly recovered and examined by independent experts from England. The plane’s wreckage transported back to the country from where it originated on its’ last flight and reconstrued with utmost care. Autopsies of the victims performed immediately following their return home. And with that – a steadfast position of the Prime Minister and the families of the victims consistently repeating the concern with which they were being treated by officials. This is how Holland is probing the MH17 tragedy” – Wikło and Pyza write in a recent edition of the weekly magazine Wsieci about the shocking differences between investigating the MH17 tragic flight and the Smolensk catastrophe. A Malaysian Airlines Boeing flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot out of the sky over Eastern Ukraine – July 17th, 2014. There were 298 passengers onboard, all perished. A total of 193 were from Holland, where the bodies and wreckage were returned.
“Pieces of twisted sheet metal and parts of the damaged plane are set up in 3 hangars, from which only two are made accessible for tourists. Attention is drawn to the largest element, a fragment of the ballast and to the fuselage sheathing with doors. Nothing is to be touched, moving around in the hangar is permitted only via designated pathways. Meanwhile no one interferes with taking pictures” we read in the article. It is outright unbelievable just how immense the differences are between the way the Dutch are running their investigation and what the Polish government allowed the Russians to do.
Piet Ploeg, chairman of a foundation which groups together the MH17 victims’ families, lost his brother, sister-in-law and nephew. “On Saturday I went there with my wife. You walk into the hangar, you look at the wreckage and you realize that the interior of this aircraft was the last view they had in front of their eyes. I was deeply moved“ said Piet. “We tell him how the Polish government let the fragments of the TU-154 be treated, how they lied around – under an open sky and later under a makeshift cover at Smolensk airport, how they were washed prior to examination. He can’t believe it. For him these standards come from another world” – write Pyza and Wikło.
Why is the examination of the wreckage so essential?
“Reconstruction of the wreck should provide answers to the most important questions: was the plane shot down from the ground or from air” – Joost Niemooler an independent investigative journalist who has written a book on the MH17 shooting down told the authors .
Although the final results of the investigation might be inconvenient for Holland – which makes a huge profit from export to Russia – nobody over there wavered whether or not to conduct an international investigation: ”In an probe this huge, of such stature, concerning so many victims and their families, international cooperation is necessary” – Antoinette Collignon, Ph.D. member of a six lawyer team representing the plaintiffs told in an interview with Wsieci. She specializes in international law issues, especially regarding catastrophes and physical injury. She underlines that cooperation with Russia would be welcome, but the approach must be cautious: ”We know that from the start the Russians tried to hinder the probe. The PM doesn’t trust them so he limited cooperation with them to the minimum. That is right, because in so far as in the West all circumstances are investigated, the Russians always have a set of conclusions, fit to accommodate them, ready in place – which they try to plant into the minds of public opinion. We are interested only in the facts” attorney Collignon underlines.
Wsieci magazine authors Marcin Wiklo and Marek Pyza write about how two investigations in similar cases, both in Poland and Holland demonstrate that we are dealing, practically with two separate civilizations. According to the article’s writers – the manner in which the MH17 catastrophe is being investigated is a ready-made act of indictment against Polish officials and the Prosecution.
Full text of the report was published on March 23rd, 2015.
from: sieci; wpolityce