1. Imagine There’s No Border.
A world without boundaries is a fantasy.
Borders are to distinct countries what fences are to neighbors: means of demarcating that something on one side is different from what lies on the other side, a reflection of the singularity of one entity in comparison with another. Borders amplify the innate human desire to own and protect property and physical space, which is impossible to do unless it is seen—and can be so understood—as distinct and separate. Clearly delineated borders and their enforcement, either by walls and fences or by security patrols, won’t go away because they go to the heart of the human condition—what jurists from Rome to the Scottish Enlightenment called meum et tuum, mine and yours. Between friends, unfenced borders enhance friendship; among the unfriendly, when fortified, they help keep the peace.
2. NATO Now Serves the Interests of the Transatlantic Ruling Class
Today the transatlantic ruling class has its own civilizational agenda, manifested by its subsidies for constituencies both business and cultural, ranging from “renewable energy resources,” to education, the arts, and lifestyle. Far from allied to safeguard and promote Western civilization, this ruling class treats its cornerstone, Christianity, as unmentionable at best and usually as the main feature to be extirpated from people’s lives. This class also regards self-rule, the capacity of people in towns, regions, or nations to decide by vote how they shall live, as among the evils to be done away with. It treats as enemy anything—thoughts, practices, institutions—that limit its own its own power and prestige. For their power and prestige, after all, are what it is allied to protect.
Since ordinary people in each and all of NATO’s countries pose the clearest and most present danger to that power and prestige, whenever any country’s people have challenged the power or prestige of their local member of the club, the other countries’ ruling classes have treated it as an attack on themselves. Under this updated version of the famous Article 5, the allied transatlantic rulers have warned, on pain of horrid consequences, the people of Britain to stay in the EU, the peoples of France to elect anybody but Le Pen, the peoples of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and most recently of Italy, not to vote as they did.
3. More on democratic socialism
The morality of socialism is easily summed up in a few words: envy and sacrifice based on a phony and coerced sense of altruism.
The socialist not only envies and wants a portion of the wealth of others; he desires to see the wealth of others lowered to the level of his own. The socialist wants to use a sense of altruism — couched in terms like “fairness,” “equality” and “fair share” — to coerce those that have into willingly giving a portion of their wealth to others. That failing, the socialist desires that the power and organized violence of the state be used to create a level of conformity and reduce everyone to the same level — even if it is the level of poverty and privation.
4. Healthy, Virile Jewish Hate
What is it with you Jews, anyway?” asks Clint Eastwood’s shell-shocked Air Force pilot in the 1982 thriller Firefox. And damned if last week I didn’t find myself asking that exact same question. Now keep in mind—I am a Jew. A full-blooded descendant of a Brooklyn intellectual and a Beverly Hills surgeon. Jewy to the core (though not in the Ben Shapiro “hey look at my pretty little yarmulke” kind of way). And I’m long past being shocked by the seemingly suicidal and self-destructive agendas that left-wing Jews so often pursue. Flooding the West with Muslims who want to murder them, advocating policies that flood the streets with illegal aliens—some of whom would love nothing more than to see every Jew’s spiffy new Lexus hauled off to a Tijuana chop shop—bankrolling BLM thugs who would be tickled pink to see the Crown Heights pogrom or the Freddie’s Fashion Mart massacre repeated on a national scale.
[……] Did the Jews take one wedgie too many in Europe? After centuries of pogroms and expulsions, was the Holocaust the last straw? Will Jews forever carry a hatred of the West, a desire to see Western traditions and values subverted even at their own expense?
[…..] I think, for far too many Jews, that hatred extends not just to the Germans, but to the white Christian West as a whole. I’ve seen this pathology before; American Jews who just can’t muster up the kind of hatred for today’s Muslim Jew-killers that they can easily summon for the descendants of the White Christian Jew-killers of yore. But why? Why are so many Jews still seemingly at war with Christendom?