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Los Angeles
February 17, 2025

PI Newsletter #2

1. It’s Samuel P. Huntington’s World and We’re Just Fighting In It
it must be noted that neither the Neo-Eurasianists of Russia nor the jihadists of the global Muslim community view the world in such materialistic ways as the globalists of the West do. What these groups are really focused on are the cultural, religious, and ethnic divisions of the world, rather than the materialistic ones. Therefore, as Mark Juergensmeyer outlines in his excellent book on the matter, “Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence,” these conflicts constitute existential, “cosmic” wars.
The notion that history ended when the Cold War did has had an intoxicating effect on our policymakers. For the last 20 years, America coasted on its enormous victory, on the fact that it was the sole remaining Superpower, and the notion that Neoliberalism would save the world (wrong!) Meanwhile, America’s enemies–both the usual suspects, like China and Russia, as well as non-state actors, like al Qaeda–gathered strength. As America was mired in endless partisan warfare on the homefront; as we were all ensconced in the Cult of Free Trade, jihadist terrorists, rogue states, and rival actors all worked toward one goal: upending the American-led world order.

2. NATO Survival Will Depend on Germany

With Europe’s largest GDP and by far its strongest economy, Germany is the swing state in European defense. If Berlin commits to spending the recommended 2 percent of GDP on defense, it would add $30 billion of defense spending in Europe — a large share of the $100 billion surplus that would be generated if all European members and Canada met their targets. The move would significantly boost European defense.
3.  Cyber as a Facilitating Factor: Key Takeaways from RSA 2017
For many, cybersecurity is a technical problem and therefore requires technical solutions. But for policymakers and the national security community, a key takeaway from this year’s RSA Conference is that cybersecurity is simply a digital extension of many of the threats that have been around for a long time: organized crime engaging in theft and extortion, the old-school tradecraft of espionage, and the subversion operations of nation-states in the internal affairs of competitors on the international stage.
4. NATO Must Confront Islamic Terror or Become Obsolete
Relying on the success of the Cold War past is not enough. The Atlantic alliance needs to be revamped and reformed entirely, from its strategic concept to its membership. The alternative is an accelerated obsolescence.

NATO must make the fight against Islamic terrorism its core mission.

NATO should accept that we are all under attack by Islamist extremist forces of all kinds. President Hollande said that France was at war, and the rest of the allies cannot sit idle by his side. NATO must make the fight against Islamic terrorism its core mission.


5. How The Cultural Marxists Of The Frankfurt School Subverted American Education

Perhaps you’ve wondered why so many college professors are so left-wing.  In your freshman year, you might have noted with dread—as I did—some of your fellow students “going with the flow” and molding their beliefs to fit in.  Perhaps one of them was you, before you grew up and snapped out of it!  The Frankfurt School is the answer to why so many universities are Social Justice Warriorfactories.


6. If you want real change, start with education

Start dynamiting the foundations of the deep state. And that means going after higher education, the one institution that more than any other shapes the young and indoctrinates them with progressive ideology.

But it’s not enough to go after the ideologically biased professoriate and administrators, or ridicule the pretentious “research” churned out by pseudo-disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. No doubt such critical exposure of the “higher nonsense” is important, for those bad ideas trickle down from the research universities to the state colleges, where most of the K-12 teachers get their teaching credentials. And most of those teachers inflict these political prejudices and false knowledge on the impressionable young, who by the time they reach college will already have been primed for even more pernicious indoctrination.

Beyond this sort of research, however, lies the mother of all bad ideas, “diversity.”

6. NATO Survival Will Depend on Germany
With Europe’s largest GDP and by far its strongest economy, Germany is the swing state in European defense. If Berlin commits to spending the recommended 2 percent of GDP on defense, it would add $30 billion of defense spending in Europe — a large share of the $100 billion surplus that would be generated if all European members and Canada met their targets. The move would significantly boost European defense.

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