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January 23, 2025
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Who Really Calls the Shots in Berlin?

Prof. Grzegorz Górski

To some, it might seem that such a question is simply stupid. After all, in a country with such a developed democracy (at least according to the experts serving the Brussels Council of People’s Commissioners and the officers of the corrupt Lenaerts tribunal) – all possible democratic rules are in place and functioning. Elections are the fairest, the parliament is the most efficient, the government under the direction of (each) chancellor is the most effective, the courts are the most independent, the media are the freest and truly independent, the economy is the best, and finally even the Bayern soccer team without Lewandowski can score goals.

All of a sudden, it turned out in recent weeks that Germany is now ruled by Mr. JAN MARSALEK.

Has anyone heard of Jan? In Poland, a small group of specialists has, and it is worth taking a look at this character. Although, in truth, it is not so much Marsalek who is in charge but those who are today Marsalek’s hosts.

But one step at a time.

Germany today buzzes mainly over the “cu-mex” tax scandal. In a nutshell, it is about the fact that in Hamburg (which has the status of a German state – Land), during the term of a certain O. Scholz in power (yes, the same one), a procedure developed for obtaining tax breaks thanks to a loophole in the law (yes, they have loopholes in this perfect legal system, too!). The banks were involved, and Scholz also made his mark, no longer only as mayor of Hamburg (shady dealings with the Warburg Bank) but also Scholz ­– as federal finance minister in Merkel’s cabinet. Scholz, of course, doesn’t remember anything today, and to such an extent that even the German free media have begun to doubt whether a guy with such a case of amnesia can serve as chancellor.

But this whole “cu-mex” affair clearly functions as a cover-up. And what is it supposed to be covering up?

It’s Germany’s version of AMBER GOLD, or the WIRECARD affair.

It would be difficult to summarize this affair, so in a nutshell, it’s really about big money. For some time now – although no one has really measured it, just in case – in the “cu-mex” affair, perhaps only 100, or maybe 200 million Euros were involved­ – just due to the sheer drop in the value of this WIRECARD, the result of which 10 billion euro “evaporated” from the German stock market in just two days. And this happened because it suddenly turned out that the company “lost” almost 2 billion euros overnight. And actually, it didn’t have these funds, or rather, it had these funds ­– but only on paper. In total, the affair involved some 3 billion Euros.

And so, in the most transparent financial market in Europe, with the best financial and legal supervision, not to mention the most honest businessmen and managers (German, of course), for years, a company has been playing with these funds ­– a hollow shell, which made an incredible career in this market. It is estimated that about 100,000 Germans put their funds into this shell, and … the money simply evaporated.

It should be added that from the side of the federal government, formal supervision of this area was exercised during the period of WIRECARD’s spectacular successes by a Finance Minister (oooo… Scholz again) and the Minister of the Economy (Altmeier, Merkel’s right hand). And somehow, the poor guys “overlooked” this (though perhaps also some other ones…) detail.

As it befits a law-abiding country, the formal head of this German version of Poland’s past Amber Gold affair, i.e., Mr. Braun, is in jail (just like our financial genius, Mr. Plichta). But the real grandmaster of this game has disappeared. And it was – yes – JAN MARSALEK.

This ‘Johnny Boy’ is – at least for now – an Austrian (although perhaps at some point, it will turn out that he is Polish after all). This Johnny Boy had several other passports, including – surprise, surprise – a Russian one.

Johnny Boy was running this business, but when it came to sinking the hollow shell ­– he disappeared. The brave BND “somehow failed to notice” Johnnny Boy, and as rumor has it, he is sitting in …. well, of course ­– in a dacha near Moscow.

That aside, it also turns out that Jan Marsalek took with him some important documents ­– so important that the combined forces of the SPD and CDU today take great care that Johnny Boy doesn’t speak out on the subject. How do they care? Judging by the attitude of German leaders in recent months, they really do care a lot.

And so we come to the point of our narration. The mighty German democracy and the entire German project to build the Fourth Reich today depends on what the hosts who guard Marsalek in the dacha near Moscow will do. Thus, the old papers, those at the disposal of Lieutenant Putin, have taken on a new life, thanks to the activity of ‘Johnny Boy’ Marsalek.

Indeed, the power of the German democracy is incredible. Someone would think it is all about some gas here and there, a bit of trade, huge investments, and a strategic game for gaining an imperial position. And there you are. They just stole some relatively small amount of cash, covered for by Marsalek, who arranged  this cash for them, and now they are trembling in their boots that this sellout of theirs will see the light of day.

And it will turn out that it was not only Schroder but also the next two chancellors who also invested in their future with the support of the Kremlin.

All in all, this is not particularly surprising. Even looking at Merkel and Scholz in recent months, it is clear that they are fully aware of who can place their dossiers – old and new – on the table. What’s worse is that Germany’s model democracy doesn’t have the slightest willingness to do anything about this corrupt addiction of its political and economic “elites.” And these people are an unsurpassed model for our totalitarians. And also, these people, with a condescending superiority, try to judge Polish democracy.

O tempora! O mores!

[Oh, the times! Oh, the manners!]


For the original Polish, please see:


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