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Los Angeles
January 24, 2025

Mission Statement


Polonia Institute

Mission, Values, Objective, and Goals Statement


Mission: The mission of the Polonia Institute is to actively promote and protect the interests of Poland, the Polish people, and Polonia in the United States and around the world.

We plan to accomplish this mission by supporting and conducting historical, social, cultural, and economic research, analysis, and education on subjects related to Poland and Polonia, by leading educational outreach programs, by preserving Polish national identity, and by taking actions against anti-Polish media activities and attitudes.

Values: Our values arise from the thousand-year history of Poland and the Polish nation. They are defined in the sixteenth-century motto: “God, Honor, and Homeland”.

We welcome cooperation with partners representing diverse backgrounds, and varying beliefs and views as long as these beliefs and views do not intend to offend ours.

Our natural partners include Polish and North-American organizations, Polish and Slavic Studies Chairs, Institutes at American universities, and other organizations with missions compatible with ours.

Funding: In its operations, the Polonia Institute relies on donations from individualsorganizations, and foundations.

Primary Objective: Our primary objective is to protect the reputation of Poland, Poles, and Polonia in the United States and around the world, as well as to advocate Poland and Polonia’s aspirations via education, research, analysis, advocacy, and legal solutions.   

Operational Goals:

  1. Establish a Task Force against anti-Polish bias with the mission to highlight Poland’s strengths and promote a positive image of Poland and the Polish people.
  2. Promote activities leading to increased awareness by the United States Congress, the President, and the American people, that American geopolitical interests on the European continent depend on the support of Poland, a trustworthy ally of the United States. We will strive to reinforce bilateral cooperation between the US and Poland, mainly in the area of national security.  
  3. Prepare a report on the state of Polonia in North America in order to develop a strategy for the future and encourage other institutions’ cooperation with Polonia Institute.
  4. Cooperate with various ethnic groups, particularly those from the Central-Eastern European “Intermarium” countries.
  5. Foster the growth of the Polonia Institute’s membership and funding via internal cooperation and engaging external partners.
  6. Support Polish communities by offering educational programs, training, and workshops.
  7. Promote Americans of Polish ancestry to higher positions within the US administrative, governmental, legislative, and judicial bodies.
  8. Build and operate interactive websites and maintain a presence in social media to enable information sharing and communication.
  9. Document and promote the history of Poland by supporting publications, book reviews, producing and disseminating films, organizing competitions, and other cultural projects that accurately represent Poland’s rich but little-known history.
  10. Encourage the people in Poland to follow the example of the American free-market political economy, which in the XIX and XX Centuries gave rise to an unprecedented expansion of wealth and overall material progress.  On the other hand, encourage Americans to rightly see Poland as the traditional defender of Christianity and European and Western civilization values on which the U.S. was built.


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